Viktor Frankl Man's Search for Meaning: SUMMARY of the Book

The man in search of meaning is a book written by Viktor E. Frakl, a neurologist and psychiatrist who survived the nazi concentration camps.

Frankl, on a principle wanted to publish the book in the anonymity impregnating only its code of a prisoner on the cover, believing that they would not succeed. But he was mistaken.

This book, in which he recounts his story, we have sold millions of copies throughout the world, being translated into 24 languages being an inspiration to many people.

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Primera Fase de El Hombre en Busca de Sentido: Internamiento en el Campo

In this first phase, Viktor Frankl chronicles as was the internment of the people in the concentration camp. One thousand five hundred people were transported on a train for several days.

The wagons were so full of people that only had to clear the top of the window, where he entered the clarity of the gray dawn.

All believed that led to an ammunition factory as employees to forced labour. Until they came really to “Auschwitz”. that name evoked the greatest atrocities: gas chambers, ovens of the crematoria, the extermination...

When you open the doors of the wagon it was received relatively well by other inmates with costumes to stripes, skinheads and appeared to be well fed. What to maintain the hope that it will be released at some point in time.

Got about a thousand five hundred people in a barrack for a maximum of two hundred, waiting for them to smaller fields.

Hungry, shivering with cold, did not have space or to be in a squatting position, and less to lie down.

In four days, the only food I ate was a piece of bread about 150 grams.

Later he made a first selection where were sending prisoners to the left and other on the right. 90% of the people were sent to the left who later realized that this group was going directly to the crematorium.

Then came the time of disinfection, where they were deprived of all their belongings, Viktor Frankl lost his manuscript where he had many of the investigations of his life. They shaved their entire body and gave them a bar of soap.

After that the only thing that remained was his existence in the nude. Had no link material with his previous life.

Some of the first to react later were a certain mood, they no longer had anything to lose and even joked. Although the reaction they had was curious of what would happen later.

There was a threat of death, where at any time any of the inmates decide to leave towards the electric fence and jumping to commit suicide.

A colleague of Frankl told him to always keep it a youthful appearance and strong because that no, they were the perfect candidates to be taken to the gas chambers.

In the first phase of the shock, the Auschwitz prisoner was not afraid of death. After the first few days, even the gas chambers lost to him in all its horror; and in the end, we saved the act of suicide.


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Segunda Fase según Viktor Frankl: Conceptos Básicos de Logoterapia

In this summary of the book the man in search of meaning, in the second chapter, Viktor Frankl describes as prisoners pass a “shock”, a habituation, it becomes “a kind of death emotional”, and apathy (which could be taken as self-defence).

This is where it appeared the nostalgia extreme, to compare the levels so depressing quality of life that they could have in that moment.

As the moments where certain details could be seen as aberrations, as they became “part of the landscape”. In other words: all efforts are reduced to survive.

Certain normal needs that human beings need to fulfill saw literally shattered, as was the sex part; already it had almost no importance.

Feelings, had already disappeared by the monotony of daily.

The dream was of the things that you took great importance, since this was the only one who could isolate them from the harsh reality.

The beatings and physical abuse were expected by the detail or for no reason.

For example, the not simpatizarle to a kapo (prisoners that they enjoyed certain privileges, and making functions of the monitor), it meant having, in addition to a number of insults that came included, extra work and blows more.

However, not all of them were ruthless, they could even have some affinity with the other prisoners, as happened to Viktor Frankl, and it was that might have a certain “advantages”.

One of those advantages for Frankl was the power to be far forward in the row for the lunch hour, which allowed them to be able to have peas in the background.

With this last one can say that the hunger was an important aspect, as all were suffering from malnutrition.




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What was interesting was seeing how despite all this talk about banquets and meals as they could have before, at least, something more than a thin soup and a small piece of bread.

It was then when the topics that transcend the reality they seek to give importance, and is trying by any means to find the meaning of life.

Despite the orders and routine of the world-weariness of all, they clung to the love; Viktor Frankl focused on the memory of his wife, without even knowing her, if she were alive or dead, his essence remained with him:

“Love transcends the physical person of the beloved, and finds its deepest meaning in the spiritual being of the other, in his I and intimate”.

Viktor Frankl also comments on the good mood, which it is an art, as delete, even for a moment everything badand , above all, it becomes a weapon for survival.

Even if the cause of the laughter or the grace to have a source for something unusual and sometimes macabre.

With all of this, we can say several things: What was normal before, and now they were envious of prisoners; people that the world is “normal” I would not like to be in that position.

They wanted the slightest relief, the most insignificant thing to give them a little pleasure.

The loneliness became part of the desire of the prisoners.

Just five minutes of solitude to spend on himself, was what this psychologist wanted, and it was on par with a well in the field where you got them.

In regard to the plans of escape, Frankl mentions that at times thought so, and the few minutes that it took account of the situation could be almost agonizing.

He once had the opportunity of being able to escape, however, something inside moved that he had to stay with the sick (at the time many fell ill with typhus), and other prisoners.

Wanted to take authority over your destination, even if this were to continue staying there.

Part of the emotions that could be given, of the few, was the irritability, caused by hunger and bad sleep, in addition to the lack of hygiene, and the lack of caffeine or nicotine.

This, coupled by the psychological part, it felt like a nobody, almost as if not existiésemos.

This same irritability could reflect on prisoners of higher rank, but he added the “delusions of grandeur”, which made them worse.

Frankl, when you close this phase, mentions and refers a lot to the interior freedom. Which transcends any condition, because it is each person that decides that she wants to be, and maintains his dignity to keep feeling like a human being.

And of course the role that we all, even when the role that touch develop is that of suffering; his destination, a gift.

This experience, Viktor Frankl defined (according to other authors), experience as a uncertain, an “existence provisionalwhose duration is unknown,” which upset the true length of time: A day could be eternal, but the week could be very rapid.

As well as the big question of if one day you would come out of there vs. despair, as we march into his own funeral.

Such despair, in the field of psychological, should be combated through some future goal, a goal to which to aspire. Since, by your own experience, issues minimum became trivial, and his mind did not go out of that circle journal.

This forced him to think of other things, something that wants to reach outside of the field.

It was of great importance to look over the current situation, so that "the feeling that becomes suffering, cease to be so as we form a clear and precise idea of the same."

And, of course, takes the topic or question of the meaning of life. And are summarized in the following:

"What matters is what the living expect of us."

Take responsibility and fulfill the duties of each one in particular.

You could say, that he fulfilled his function in certain occasions, as it was the day that had to give a speech of encouragement, despite the fact that he had been a bad day.

Another theme that plays is the “Psychology of the guards of the camp.”

Viktor Frankl mentions three points:

In the first place, the precision of the term “sadism” among the guards.

Second, we used this feature between the guards and kapos to deliver a work of rigorous monitoring. And there you could see her “pleasure macabre”.

Third, its sensitivity was on the floor, already nothing moved.

Fourth, some guards if they could exclude from the above characteristics, some of them, yes they were compassion for the prisoners.


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Tercera Fase de El Hombre en Busca de Sentido: Después de la Liberación

Viktor Frankl describes as are the reactions of the prisoners after their release.

The interesting thing of all is to analyze what you really felt when you walk and observe that they were free: NOTHING.

What people usually think of is that they jumped for joy and ran to regain his life.

In reality, they walked slowly to the exit, still not believing what was really going on, and astonished, because during his stay in the lager their emotions were reduced to mere impulses.

Another of the common things that occurred, related to this, was to retrieve the emotions lost.

Many, developed a contempt against the world around them, even with living beings that were not the fault of the tragedy.

They went from being oppressed, and to be oppressors.

In addition, there were two experiences due to psychological stress: the bitterness, the not being able to hear words of true empathy, nor return to the previous life.

And the disenchantment, where they realized that the suffering that took the field was not the maximum, but can suffer more, when you see that everything has changed.

And that never nothing will be the same...

The goal and objective in which many clung for his life in the field (a child, a wife, perhaps it was only an illusion, as everything disappeared.

Frankl closes his story by saying:

“After enduring those incredible sufferings, one had nothing to fear, unless your God.”

Frankl, Viktor. (2004). The man in search of meaning. Herder, S. L, Barcelona.

Read Biography of Viktor Frankl




Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

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